Main Page // Printable CD List 
  -=[ # ]=-
16 Volt / Skin (Reconstriction, 1994)
310 / Nothing to See Here (Desolate, 2001)

-=[ A ]=-
Aarktica / No Solace in Sleep (Silber, 2000)
Ab Intra / Supremus (Zoharum, 2012)
Actus / Sacro Sanctum (Cthulhu, 1997)
Ain Soph / I (Old Europa Cafe, 2000)
Ain Soph / II (Old Europa Cafe, 2001)
Ain Soph / Kshatriya (Musica Maxima Magnetica, 1998)
Alex Smoke / Incommunicado (Soma, 2005)
Alex Tiuniaev / I Knew Her (Cold Spring, 2008)
Alio Die / Il Tempo Magico di Saturnia Pavonia (Hic Sunt Leones, 2003)
Alio Die / Incantamento (Hic Sunt Leones, 1999)
Alio Die / Introspective (Hic Sunt Leones, 1993)
Alio Die / Khen Introduce Silence (Hic Sunt Leones, 2003)
Alio Die / Leaves Net (Hic Sunt Leones, 2001)
Alio Die / Sol Niger (Hic Sunt Leones, 2004)
Alio Die / Le Stanze Della Transcendenza (Hic Sunt Leones, 1999)
Alio Die / Suspended Feathers (Hic Sunt Leones, 2005)
Alio Die / Under an Holy Ritual (Hic Sunt Leones, 1992)
Alio Die & Amelia Cuni / Apsaras (Projekt, 2001)
Alio Die & Antonio Testa / Prayer for the Forest (Green House, 2002)
Alio Die & Mathias Grassow / Expanding Horizon (Relapse, 2003)
Alio Die & Ora / Door of Possibilities, The (Hic Sunt Leones, 2000)
Alio Die & Saffron Wood / Sleep of Seeds, The (Hic Sunt Leones, 2003)
Alio Die & Zeit / Sunja (Hic Sunt Leones, 2003)
Allerseelen / Sturmlieder (Aorta, 1996)
Allerseelen / Venezia (Aorta, 2001)
Alpha Wave Movement / Cosmology (Groove, 2003)
Amber Asylum / Frozen in Amber (Elfenblut, 1996)
Amber Asylum / Supernatural Parlour Collection, The (Release, 2000)
Ambibat / Ambibat (No Label, 1998)
Amir Baghiri & Mathias Grassow / True North (Arya, 1998)
Amon / El Khela (Eibon, 1997)
Amon / Legacy, The (Eibon, 1999)
Amon / Nona (Amplexus, 2003)
Amon Tobin / Chaos Theory (Ninja Tune, 2005)
Amon Tobin / Out From Out Where (Ninja Tune, 2002)
Amon Tobin / Permutation (Ninja Tune, 1998)
Amon Tobin / Piranha Breaks (Ninja Tune, 1997)
Amon Tobin / Supermodified (Ninja Tune, 2000)
Amon Tobin / Verbal (Ninja Tune, 2002)
Amon Tobin / Verbal - Remixes & Collaborations (Ninja Tune, 2003)
Amor E Morte / About These Thornless Wilds (Deus Mortuus, 2007)
Amorphis / Am Universum (Relapse, 2001)
Amorphis / Elegy (Relapse, 1996)
Amorphis / Karelian Isthmus, The (Relapse, 1992)
Amorphis / Privilege of Evil (Relapse, 1993)
Amorphis / Tales from the Thousand Lakes (Relapse, 1994)
Amorphis / Tuonela (Relapse, 1999)
Amorphous Androgynous / Alice in Ultraland (Harvest, 2005)
Amorphous Androgynous / Otherness, The (Psychobaby, 2004)
Amorphous Androgynous / Tales of Ephidrina (Virgin, 1993)
Anapthergal / Alghoulist Offramerational log.892 (AFP, 1998)
Anapthergal / Complectus Misanthropologos (AFP, 1998)
Antiloop / LP (Stockholm, 1997)
Antique / Book One (Trostlos, 2002)
Anubian Lights / Eternal Sky, The (Hypnotic, 1995)
Anubian Lights / Jackal and Nine, The (Hypnotic, 1996)
Anubian Lights / Let Not the Flame Die Out (Hypnotic, 1998)
Anubian Lights / Naz Bar (Crippled Dick Hot Wax, 2001)
Aphex Twin / 26 Mixes for Cash (Warp, 2003)
Aphex Twin / Selected Ambient Works II (Warner, 1994)
Aphrodite / Aftershock (V2, 2002)
Aphrodite / Aphrodite (Gee Street, 1999)
Aphrodite / Coupla Trickz, A (V2, 2002)
Aphrodite / Overdrive (Feed, 2005)
Aphrodite / Urban Jungle (Priority, 1999)
Apocalyptica / Inquisition Symphony (Mercury, 1998)
Apoptose / Blutopfer (Tesco, 2002)
Apoptose / Nordland (Tesco, 2000)
Apoptose / Schattenmadchen (Tesco, 2007)
Apoptygma Berzerk / Apopcalyptic Manifesto, The (Metropolis, 1998)
Arcana / As Bright as a Thousand Suns (Cyclic Law, 2012)
Arcana / Body of Sin (Cold Meat, 2002)
Arcana / Cantar de Procella (Cold Meat, 1997)
Arcana / Dark Age of Reason (Cold Meat, 1996)
Arcana / Inner Pale Sun (Cold Meat, 2002)
Arcana / Last Embrace, The (Cold Meat, 2000)
Arcane Art / Cursed Artist, The (Memento Mori, 1999)
Archon Satani / In Shelter (Dark Vinyl, 1994)
Archon Satani / Memento Mori (Memento Mori, 1997)
Archon Satani / Mind of Flesh & Bones (Cold Spring, 2006)
Archon Satani / Of Gospels Lost and Forsaken (Cold Meat, 2002)
Archon Satani / Righteous Way to Completion, The (Cold Spring, 1997)
Archon Satani / Virgin Birth (Functional, 1993)
Arecibo / Trans Plutonian Transmissions (Atmosphere, 1994)
Ash Ra Tempel / Friendship (Manikin, 2000)
Asmorod / Derelict (Tesco, 1999)
Asmorod / Involution Toward Chtonian Depths (Solistitium, 1997)
Astral Pilot / Electro Acupuncture (Harthouse, 1995)
Astral Projection / Amen (Phonokol, 2002)
Asunta / Landscapes (Nefryt, 2001)
Atom Infant Incubator / Copula (Sempiterna Mutatio, 1994)
Atom Infant Incubator / Quantum Leaps Lost Soundtracks (Slaughter, 1998)
Aube / 108 (Old Europa Cafe, 1996)
Aube / Cardiac Strain (Alien8, 1997)
Aube / Chain Re-Action (Blossoming Noise, 2005)
Aube / Evocation (Auf Abwegen, 1998)
Aube / Howling Obsession [revised] (Manifold, 2002)
Aube / Pages from the Book (E&J, 1998)
Aube / RM4 (Ultra Mail, 2002)
Aube / Set On (Manifold, 2000)
Aube / Shade Away (Art-ic Culture, 1999)
Aube / Substructural Penetration 1991-1995 (Iris Light, 1997)
Aube / Triad Thread (Amplexus, 2000)
Audio Active / Return of the Red I (Warner, 1999)
Auditory Sculpture / Sessions at East (Auditory Sculpture, 2005)
Auditory Sculpture / Solitary Forms (Auditory Sculpture, 1999)
Autechre / Amber (Wax Trax!, 1994)
Autechre / Basscad (Wax Trax!, 1994)
Autechre / Chiastic Slide (Warp, 1997)
Autechre / Cichlisuite (Warp, 1997)
Autechre / Confield (Warp, 2001)
Autechre / Draft 7.30 (Warp, 2003)
Autechre / EP7 (Nothing, 1999)
Autechre / Gantz Graf (Warp, 2002)
Autechre / Incunabula (Wax Trax!, 1994)
Autechre / LP5 (Nothing, 1998)
Autechre / LP5 (Nothing, 1998)
Autechre / Move of Ten (Warp, 2010)
Autechre / Oversteps (Warp, 2010)
Autechre / Peel Session (Nothing, 1999)
Autechre / Quaristice (Warp, 2008)
Autechre / Tri Repetae++ (Wax Trax!, 1996)
Autechre / Untilted (Warp, 2005)
Autumn Tears / Absolution (Dark Symphonies, 1999)
Autumn Tears / Love Poems for Dying Children: Act II (Dark Symphonies, 1999)
Autumn Tears / Love Poems for Dying Children: Act III (Dark Symphonies, 2000)
Azure Skies / Azure Skies (Ant Zen, 2001)

-=[ B ]=-
Bad Sector / Ampos (Power & Steel, 2002)
Bad Sector / Dolmen Factory (Membrum Debile Propaganda, 1999)
Bad Sector / Plasma (Old Europa Cafe, 1998)
Bad Sector / Polonoid (Tantric Harmonies, 2001)
Bad Sector / Retrovirus (AFE, 2001)
Bad Sector / Storage Disk 1 (Waystyx, 2007)
Bad Sector / Storage Disk 2 (Waystyx, 2008)
Bad Sector / Xela (Waystyx, 2001)
Bal-Sagoth / Starfire Burning upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule (Cacophonous, 1996)
Banco de Gaia / Big Men Cry (Disco Gecko, 2003)
Banco de Gaia / Farewell Ferengistan (Six Degrees, 2006)
Banco de Gaia / Igizeh (Six Degrees, 2000)
Banco de Gaia / Last Train to Lhasa (Planet Dog, 1995)
Banco de Gaia / Magical Sounds of Banco de Gaia, The (Six Degrees, 2000)
Banco de Gaia / Maya (Six Degrees, 2002)
Banco de Gaia / You Are Here (Six Degrees, 2004)
Band of Pain / American Psycho (Dressed to Kill, 2000)
Band of Pain / Que Amiga? (Cold Spring, 2003)
Band of Pain / Reculver (Dirtier Promotions, 1999)
Band of Pain / You're Miss Fortune (Dirtier Promotions, 1996)
Baradelan / Anorgonia in the Carcinomatous Shrinking Biopathy (Membrum Debile Propaganda, 2000)
Barbara Brown / White is Pure 2 (Aria, 2003)
Bardoseneticcube / Deadhead (Aquarellist, 2005)
Beast / Beast (Pheromone, 2008)
Bent / Programmed to Love (Ministry of Sound, 2001)
Bestia Centauri / Ubbo-Sathla (Somnambulant Corpses, 2002)
Beth Orton / Other Side of Daybreak, The (EMI, 2003)
Beyond Sensory Experience / Korrelations (Old Europa Cafe, 2004)
Beyond Sensory Experience / Pursuit of Pleasure (Cold Meat, 2005)
Beyond Sensory Experience / Tortuna (Old Europa Cafe, 2003)
Big Bud / Infinity + Infinity (Good Looking, 1999)
Bill Laswell / Axiom Ambient: Lost in the Translation (Axiom, 1994)
Bill Laswell / Axiom Dub: Mysteries of Creation (Axiom, 1996)
Bill Laswell / Axiom Funk: Funkcronomicon (Axiom, 1995)
Bill Laswell / Book of Entrance (Reachout International, 1996)
Bill Laswell / Oscillations (Sub Rosa, 1996)
Biosphere / Microgravity (Origo Sound, 1994)
Biosphere / Substrata (Origo Sound, 1997)
Black Funeral / Moon of Characith (Full Moon, 1999)
Blink Twice / Demon Haunted World, The (Possessive Blindfold, 1999)
Blood Axis / Gospel of Inhumanity, The (Elfenblut, 1998)
Blood Box / Funeral in an Empty Room (Power & Steel, 2011)
Blood Box / World of Hurt, A (Malignant, 1997)
Blut Aus Nord / Ultima Thulee (Impure Creations, 1995)
Boards of Canada / Campfire Headphase, The (Warp, 2005)
Boards of Canada / Geogaddi (Warp, 2002)
Boards of Canada / In a Beautiful Place out in the Country (Warp, 2000)
Boards of Canada / Music Has the Right to Children (Warp, 1998)
Boards of Canada / Trans Canada Highway (Warp, 2006)
Boards of Canada / Twoism (Warp, 2002)
Brighter Death Now / Greatest Death (Cold Meat, 1998)
Brighter Death Now / Innerwar (Release, 1996)
Brighter Death Now / Slaughterhouse, The (Functional, 1993)

-=[ C ]=-
C17H19NO3 / 1692/2092 (Malignant, 1998)
C17H19NO3 / Terra Damnata (Fifth Colvmn, 1996)
Camera Obscura / To Change the Shape of an Envelope (Troubleman Unlimited, 2000)
Cardigans, The / Gran Turismo (Stockholm, 1998)
Caul / Golden Epiphany, A (Eibon, 2002)
Caul / Let the Stars Assume the Whole of Night (Hypnos, 2012)
Caul / Light from Many Lamps (Malignant, 1998)
Caul / Reliquary (Eibon, 1998)
Cazzodio / Il Tempo Della Locusta (Black Plague, 1998)
Cemetary / Phantasma (Black Mark, 2005)
Cemetary / Sundown (Black Mark, 1996)
Ceol Mor / Celtic Passage (Avalon, 1995)
Ceol Mor / Sanctuary (Avalon, 1996)
Chemical Brothers, The / Push the Button (Astralwerks, 2005)
Chemical Pilot, The / Journey to the Centre of the Mind (Eruption, 1998)
Circular / Glass Darkly (Origo Sound, 2004)
Circular / Nanotopia (Origo Sound, 1997)
Circular / Shaping the Unknown (Loki, 2006)
Circular Ruins, The / Empathy Test (Databloem, 2003)
Clock DVA / Buried Dreams (Nextera, 1998)
Coal Chamber / Chamber Music (Roadrunner, 1999)
Cocteau Twins / Victorialand (4AD, 2003)
Coldstrain / I (Spectral Halls, 2012)
Coma Virus / Hidden (Space Paradigm, 1996)
Contingence / Dominion (Deprogrammed, 1995)
Contingence / Necropolis (Deprogrammed, 2001)
Contrastate / I (Functional, 1991)
Coph Nia / That Which Remains (Cold Meat, 2000)
Cotton Ferox / First Time Hurts (Confuscious, 2002)
Covenant / Dreams of a Cryotank (Metropolis, 1999)
Covenant / Northern Light (Metropolis, 2002)
Covenant / Sequencer (Metropolis, 1999)
Covenant / Sequencer - Beta (Off Beat, 1997)
Covenant / United States of Mind (Metropolis, 2000)
Covenant (2) / Nexus Polaris (Nuclear Blast, 1998)
Cradle of Filth / Vempire (Cacophonous, 1996)
Crystal Method, The / Community Service (Ultra, 2002)
Crystal Method, The / Community Service 2 (Ultra, 2005)
Crystal Method, The / Divided by Night (Tiny E, 2009)
Crystal Method, The / Legion of Boom (V2, 2003)
Crystal Method, The / Tweekend (Outpost, 2001)
Crystal Method, The / Vegas (Outpost, 1997)
Cubanate / Antimatter (Dynamica, 1995)
Cubanate / Barbarossa (Dynamica, 1996)
Cubanate / Cyberia (Dynamica, 1995)
Cubanate / Interference (Wax Trax!, 1998)

-=[ D ]=-
Daft Punk / Discovery (Virgin, 2001)
Daft Punk / Homework (Virgin, 1997)
Danzig / Black Aria (E-Magine, 2000)
Danzig / Danzig III: How the Gods Kill (Def American, 1992)
Dark Factory / Radio Blackout (La Citadelle, 2002)
Dark Project / Involution (Beyond, 1999)
Dark Tranquility / Haven (Century Media, 2000)
Das Ich / Anti Christ (Metropolis, 2002)
Das Ich / Re Laborat (Metropolis, 2001)
Dead Voices on Air / How Hollow Heart (Invisible, 1997)
Dead Voices on Air / New Words Machine (Hypnotic, 1995)
Dead World / Machine, The (Relapse, 1993)
Deadwood / Ramblack (Cold Spring, 2008)
Death and Horror Inc / Pressures Collide (Fringe Product, 1994)
Death and Horror Inc / Transmissions from the Chemical Land (Fringe Product, 1997)
Decoded Feedback / Bio-Vital (Metropolis, 1998)
Decoded Feedback / Evolution (Metropolis, 1999)
Decoded Feedback / Overdosing (Cleopatra, 1996)
Decoder / Dissection (Hardleaders, 1998)
Decoryah / Fall-Dark Waters (Metal Blade, 1996)
Deep Dish / Global Underground 021: Moscow (Global Underground, 2001)
Deep Forest / Deep Forest (Columbia, 1992)
Deep Forest / Essence of the Forest (Sony, 2004)
Deep Forest / Music Detected (Columbia, 2002)
Deimos / Demo 2000 (N/A, 2000)
Delerium / Chimera (Nettwerk, 2003)
Delerium / Faces, Forms and Illusions (Dossier, 1989)
Delerium / Karma (Nettwerk, 1997)
Delerium / Morpheus (Hypnotic, 1997)
Delerium / Nuages du Monde (Nettwerk, 2006)
Delerium / Odyssey (Nettwerk, 2001)
Delerium / Poem (Nettwerk, 2000)
Delerium / Reflections 1 (Dossier, 1999)
Delerium / Semantic Spaces (Nettwerk, 1994)
Delerium / Spheres (Hypnotic, 1997)
Delerium / Spheres II (Hypnotic, 1997)
Delerium / Spiritual Archives (Hypnotic, 1997)
Delerium / Stone Tower (Hypnotic, 1997)
Delerium / Syrophenikan (Hypnotic, 1997)
Delerium / Voice (Nettwerk, 2010)
Die Form / Corpus Delicti 2 (Metropolis, 2001)
Die Krupps / Metalmorphosis of Die Krupps '81 - '92 (Cleopatra, 1996)
Die Krupps / Odyssey of the Mind (Cleopatra, 1996)
Die Krupps / Paradise Now (Music for Nations, 1997)
Die Krupps / Rings of Steel (Cleopatra, 1995)
Dimitri From Paris / Sacrebleu (Atlantic, 1998)
Dining Rooms, The / Numero Deux (Guidance, 2001)
Disturbed / Sickness, The (Giant, 2000)
DJ Brian / Hardesertrance (Moonshine, 1997)
DJ Brian / Hardesertrance 2 (Moonshine, 1998)
DJ Brian / Hardesertrance 3 (Moonshine, 1999)
DJ Food / Jazz Brakes 4 (Ninja Tune, 2003)
DJ Food / Jazz Brakes 5 (Ninja Tune, 2003)
DJ Food / Kaleidoscope (Ninja Tune, 2000)
DJ Food / Now, Listen! (Ninja Tune, 2001)
DJ Food / Quadraplex (Ninja Tune, 2001)
DJ Food / Recipe for Disaster, A (Shadow, 1995)
DJ Food / Refried Food (Ninja Tune, 1996)
DJ Shadow / Private Press, The (Island, 2002)
DJ Shadow / Six Days (Island, 2002)
DJ Spooky / Celestial Mechanix (Thirsty Ear, 2004)
DJ Spooky / Modern Mantra (Shadow, 2002)
DJ Spooky / Optometry (Thirsty Ear, 2002)
DJ Spooky / Songs of a Dead Dreamer (Asphodel, 1996)
DJ Spooky / Subliminal Minded (Outpost, 1999)
DJ Spooky / Under the Influence (Six Degrees, 2001)
DJ Vadim / Art of Listening, The (Ninja Tune, 2002)
DJ Vadim / Life from the Other Side (Ninja Tune, 1999)
Dominator / II (Bad Vibrations, 1995)
Drape Excrement / Borrowed Time (Ark Konkret, 2003)

-=[ E ]=-
Edge of Sanity / Crimson (Black Mark, 1996)
Edge of Sanity / Crimson II (Black Mark, 2003)
Edge of Sanity / Crimson II (Black Mark, 2003)
Edge of Sanity / Purgatory Afterglow (Black Mark, 1994)
Edge of Sanity / Spectral Sorrows, The (Black Mark, 1993)
Einleitungszeit / Auranoise (Ars Morta Universum, 2002)
Einsturzende Neubauten / Drawings of Patient OT (Thirsty Ear, 1995)
Einsturzende Neubauten / Ende Neu (Mute, 1996)
Einsturzende Neubauten / Five on the Open-Ended Richter Scale (Thirsty Ear, 1995)
Einsturzende Neubauten / Halber Mensch (Thirsty Ear, 1995)
Einsturzende Neubauten / Interim (Mute, 1997)
Einsturzende Neubauten / Silence is Sexy (Mute, 2000)
Einsturzende Neubauten / Tabula Rasa (Mute, 1993)
Ekova / Space Lullabies and Other Fantasmagore (Six Degrees, 2000)
Electric Skychurch / Together (Moonshine, 1996)
Eleven Shadows / Tsechima (Resist, 1997)
Elhaz / Black Flame, The (Memento Mori, 1996)
Eminem / Eminem Show, The (Aftermath, 2002)
Eminem / Marshall Mathers LP, The (Aftermath, 2000)
Emme Ya / Atavistic Dreams & Phallic Totems (Cold Spring, 2011)
Empirion / Advanced Technology (XL, 1996)
En Nihil / Death Keeps (Red Stream, 1997)
Endura / Black Eden (Red Stream, 1996)
Endura / Elder Signs (Red Stream, 1999)
Endura / Great God Pan (Elfenblut, 1997)
Endura / Liber Leviathan (Aesthetic Death, 1996)
Endura / Watcher, The (Old Europa Cafe, 1998)
Enigma / A Posteriori (Virgin, 2006)
Enigma / Cross of Changes, The (Virgin, 1993)
Enigma / Le Roi est Mort, Vive Le Roi (Virgin, 1996)
Enigma / Love Sensuality Devotion (Virgin, 2001)
Enigma / MCMXC AD (Virgin, 1991)
Enigma / Screen Behind the Mirror, The (Virgin, 2000)
Enigma / Seven Lives Many Faces (Virgin, 2008)
Enigma / Voyageur (Virgin, 2003)
Enya / Day Without Rain, A (Reprise, 2000)
Enya / Shepherd Moons (Reprise, 1992)
Eric La Casa / Stones of the Threshold, The (Ground Fault, 1999)
Eric Serra / Fifth Element, The (Virgin, 1997)
Eric Serra / Goldeneye (Virgin, 1995)
Evanescence / Fallen (Wind-Up, 2003)
Evanescence / Open Door, The (Wind-Up, 2006)
Ex Cathedra / Ex Cathedra (Terra Nova, 1995)
Exotoendo / Endorcism Process (Old Europa Cafe, 1998)
EZ3kiel / Battlefield (Jarring Effects, 2008)

-=[ F ]=-
Facies Deformis / Sundown (Membrum Debile Propaganda, 2001)
Fear Factory / Archetype (Liquid 8, 2004)
Fear Factory / Concrete (Roadrunner, 2002)
Fear Factory / Demanufacture (Roadrunner, 1995)
Fear Factory / Digimortal (Roadrunner, 2001)
Fear Factory / Hatefiles (Roadrunner, 2003)
Fear Factory / Industrialist, The (Candlelight, 2012)
Fear Factory / Mechanize (Candlelight, 2010)
Fear Factory / Obsolete (Roadrunner, 1998)
Fear Factory / Remanufacture (Roadrunner, 1997)
Fear Factory / Soul of a New Machine (Roadrunner, 1992)
Fear Factory / Transgression (Calvin, 2005)
Fila Brazillia / Another Late Night (Kinetic, 2001)
Fila Brazillia / Life and Times of Phoebus Brumal, The (Twentythree, 2004)
Fire & Ice / Runa (Fremdheit, 1996)
First Law / Future So Bright, A (Loki, 2012)
First Law / Refusal as Attitude (Loki, 2002)
First Law / Velochrome (Loki, 2001)
First Law / Violent - Sedated (Loki, 1999)
Flying Lotus / Cosmogramma (Warp, 2010)
Freeworm / Solar Power (Audiogram, 2003)
Freeworm / Vegetation = Fuel (Hydrophonik, 2000)
Front 242 / Up Evil (Epic, 1993)
Front Line Assembly / Airmech (Metropolis, 2012)
Front Line Assembly / Angriff (Dependent, 2010)
Front Line Assembly / Artificial Soldier (Metropolis, 2006)
Front Line Assembly / Caustic Grip (Roadrunner, 1992)
Front Line Assembly / Civilization (Metropolis, 2004)
Front Line Assembly / Corroded Disorder (Cleopatra, 1996)
Front Line Assembly / Echoes (Metropolis, 2014)
Front Line Assembly / Echogenetic (Metropolis, 2013)
Front Line Assembly / Epitaph (Metropolis, 2001)
Front Line Assembly / Everything Must Perish (Metropolis, 2001)
Front Line Assembly / Explosion (Synthetic Symphony, 2002)
Front Line Assembly / Fallout (Metropolis, 2007)
Front Line Assembly / Hard Wired (Metropolis, 1995)
Front Line Assembly / Implode (Metropolis, 1999)
Front Line Assembly / Improvised Electronic Device (Metropolis, 2010)
Front Line Assembly / Millennium (Roadrunner, 1994)
Front Line Assembly / Monument (Roadrunner, 1998)
Front Line Assembly / Reclamation (Roadrunner, 1997)
Front Line Assembly / Tactical Neural Implant (Third Mind, 1992)
Front Line Assembly / Vanished (Metropolis, 2004)
Front Line Assembly / Wake Up the Coma (Metropolis, 2019)
Front Line Assembly / WarMech (Artoffact, 2018)
Funker Vogt / Execution Tracks (Metropolis, 1998)
Funker Vogt / Killing Time Again (Metropolis, 1998)
Funker Vogt / Maschine Zeit (Metropolis, 2000)
Funker Vogt / Survivor (Metropolis, 2002)
Funker Vogt / Thanks for Nothing (Metropolis, 1997)
Funker Vogt / We Came to Kill (Metropolis, 1997)
Future Sound of London / Accelerator (Hypnotic, 1996)
Future Sound of London / Dead Cities (Astralwerks, 1996)
Future Sound of London / ISDN (Astralwerks, 1995)
Future Sound of London / Isness, The (Hypnotic, 2002)
Future Sound of London / Lifeforms (Virgin, 1994)
Future Sound of London / Lifeforms [remixes] (Astralwerks, 1994)
Future Sound of London / My Kingdom (Astralwerks, 1996)

-=[ G ]=-
Gathering, The / Home (The End, 2006)
Gathering, The / How to Measure a Planet (Century Media, 1999)
Gathering, The / If - Then - Else (Century Media, 2000)
Gathering, The / Nighttime Birds (Century Media, 1997)
Geomatic / Control Agents (Triumvirate, 2001)
George Clinton / Wild Things (Varese Sarabande, 1998)
Gilla Bruja / 6 Fingered Jesus (Retribute, 2003)
Global Communication / 76:14 (Dedicated, 1997)
Gorillaz / Gorillaz (EMI, 2001)
Graham Bowers / Of Mary's Blood (Red Wharf, 1995)
Grey Wolves, The / Blood and Sand (Cold Spring, 2002)
Gruntsplatter / Aberrant Laboratory, The (Dark Vinyl, 2006)
Gruntsplatter / Chronicling the Famine (Desolation House, 2002)

-=[ H ]=-
Habeeb / Habeeb (Cyber Blast, 2001)
Hafler Trio, The / Cleave: 9 Great Openings (Nextera, 2002)
Hans Zimmer / Gladiator (Decca, 2000)
Hans Zimmer / Rock, The (Hollywood, 1996)
Hardfloor / Da Damn Phreak Noize Phunk? (Harthouse, 1995)
Harry Gregson-Williams / Veronica Guerin (Hollywood, 2003)
Haujobb / Frames (Pendragon, 1996)
Haujobb / Freeze Frame Reality (Pendragon, 1995)
Haujobb / Matrix (Metropolis, 1997)
Haujobb / Ninetynine (Metropolis, 1999)
Haujobb / Polarity (Metropolis, 2001)
Haujobb / Solutions for a Small Planet (Metropolis, 1996)
Hazard / Lech (Malignant, 1996)
Hazard / North (Ash International, 1998)
Heid / Arktogaa (Malignant, 2000)
Herbaliser, The / Blow Your Headphones (Ninja Tune, 1998)
Herbaliser, The / Something Wicked This Way Comes (Ninja Tune, 2002)
Herbaliser, The / Very Mercenary (Ninja Tune, 1999)
Herbst9 / From a Dark Chasm Below (Loki, 1999)
HMB / Great Industrial Love Affairs (Flatline, 2001)
Holger Czukay / La Luna (Tone Casualties, 2000)
Hollow Earth / Dog Days of the Holocaust (Crowd Control Activities, 1998)
Holocaust Theory / Inception of Eradication (Possessive Blindfold, 1998)
Holocaust Theory / Proclaimed Visions (Possessive Blindfold, 1997)
Hooverphonic / Blue Wonder Power Milk (Epic, 1998)
Hooverphonic / Hooverphonic Presents Jackie Cane (Epic, 2002)
Hooverphonic / Magnificent Tree, The (Epic, 2000)
Hooverphonic / New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular, A (Epic, 1996)
Howard Shore / Cell, The (New Line, 2000)
Human Destructur / Der Fluch Des Denkens (Torpor, 2001)
Human Destructur / Fatal Order (Torpor, 2000)
Hypocrisy / Abducted (Nuclear Blast, 1996)
Hypocrisy / Arrival, The (Nuclear Blast, 2004)
Hypocrisy / Catch 22 (Nuclear Blast, 2008)
Hypocrisy / Into the Abyss (Nuclear Blast, 2000)
Hypocrisy / Taste of Extreme Divinity, A (Nuclear Blast, 2009)
Hypocrisy / Virus (Nuclear Blast, 2005)

-=[ I ]=-
IAM / L'Ecole du Micro D'Argent (Delabel, 1998)
Ildfrost / Natanael (Cold Meat, 1997)
Ildfrost / You'll Never Sparkle in Hell (Fluttering Dragon, 2000)
In Flames / Soundtrack to Your Escape (Nuclear Blast, 2004)
In Flames / Whoracle (Nuclear Blast, 1997)
Inade / Aldebaran (Cold Spring, 1996)
Inade / Burning Flesh (Loki, 2000)
Inade / Crackling of the Anonymous, The (Loki, 2001)
Inade / Incarnation of the Solar Architects, The (Loki, 2012)
Inanna / Day of Torment (Cold Spring, 2007)
Infected Mushroom / IM the Supervisor (Yoyo, 2004)
Inner Vision Laboratory / Future Chaos (Zoharum, 2011)
Instincts / Mystery Visions, The (Cyclic Law, 2002)
Intravene / Floatation Toy Warning (Auf Abwegen, 1998)
Invisible Empire / Chants Before the Last Battle (Oktagon, 1999)
Iron Halo Device / Collapsing Void, The (Malignant, 1996)

-=[ J ]=-
Jarl / Out of Balance (Malignant, 2003)
Jean Michel Jarre / Chronologie (Disques Dreyfus, 1993)
Jean Michel Jarre / Equinoxe (Disques Dreyfus, 1978)
Jean Michel Jarre / Hong Kong (Disques Dreyfus, 1994)
Jean Michel Jarre / Oxygene (Disques Dreyfus, 1976)
Jean Michel Jarre / Oxygene 7-13 (Disques Dreyfus, 1997)
Jean Michel Jarre / Rendezvous (Disques Dreyfus, 1986)
Jem / Finally Woken (ATO, 2004)
Job Karma / Ebola (Amplexus, 2003)
Job Karma / Newson (Obuh, 2000)
Job Karma / Tschernobyl (Ars Benevola Mater, 2007)
Joe Satriani / Super Colossal (Epic, 2006)
John Digweed / Global Underground 019: Los Angeles (Boxed, 2001)
John Duncan / Da Sich Die Machtgier (Die Stadt, 2003)
John Duncan / John See Soundtracks (RR, 1996)
John Watermann / Calcutta Gas Chamber (Cold Spring, 2006)
Juno Reactor / Beyond the Infinite (Hypnotic, 1996)
Juno Reactor / Bible of Dreams (Wax Trax!, 1997)
Juno Reactor / Gods & Monsters (Metropolis, 2008)
Juno Reactor / Labyrinth (Metropolis, 2004)
Juno Reactor / Shango (Metropolis, 2000)

-=[ K ]=-
Karna / Forever in Darkness (Possession, 2008)
Kenotaph / Promise (Functional, 1998)
Keplers Odd / GRO J1655-40 (Desolation House, 2007)
Kerovnian / Far Beyond, Before the Time (Cold Spring, 1999)
Kerovnian / From the Depths of Haron (Cold Spring, 2001)
Kevorkian Death Cycle / Collection for Injection (Metropolis, 2000)
Kid Koala / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Ninja Tune, 2000)
Kirlian Camera / Pictures from Eternity (Twilight, 2008)
Kittie / Spit (Epic, 2000)
KLF, The / White Room, The (Arista, 1992)
Kom-Intern / Funkspiel (Brume-Citadelle, 2002)
Kutna Hora / Will or Nothing (Twilight, 2002)

-=[ L ]=-
Labradford / E Luxo So (Kranky, 1999)
Labradford / Fixed - Context (Kranky, 2001)
Labradford / Labradford (Kranky, 1996)
Labradford / Mi Media Naranja (Kranky, 1997)
Labradford / Prazision LP (Kranky, 1993)
Labradford / Stable Reference, A (Kranky, 1995)
Lacrimas Profundere / Ave End (Napalm, 2004)
Lacuna Coil / Comalies (Century Media, 2002)
Lagowski / Ashita (Side Effects, 1997)
Laibach / Also Sprach Johann Paul II (AMDG, 1998)
Laibach / Jesus Christ Superstars (Mute, 1996)
Laibach / Krst pod Triglavom (Sub Rosa, 1988)
Laibach / Laibach (NSK, 1999)
Laibach / Let It Be (Elektra, 1997)
Laibach / NATO (Mute, 1994)
Laibach / Nova Akropola (Cleopatra, 1994)
Laibach / Opus Dei (TVT, 1994)
Law / The Black Lodge (Nuit et Brouillard, 2001)
Le Testament De La Lumiere / Der Tod Ist Ein Treuer Kamerad (Dark Vinyl, 2003)
Leather Strip / Double or Nothing (Cleopatra, 1995)
Leather Strip / Fit for Flogging (Cleopatra, 1993)
Leather Strip / Legacy of Hate and Lust (Cleopatra, 1995)
Leather Strip / Rebirth of Agony, The (Cleopatra, 1997)
Leather Strip / Retrospective (Cleopatra, 1997)
Leather Strip / Self-Inflicted (Cleopatra, 1996)
Leather Strip / Serenade for the Dead (Cleopatra, 1995)
Leather Strip / Solitary Confinement (Cleopatra, 1993)
Leftfield / Leftism (Columbia, 1995)
Leftfield / Rhythm and Stealth (Columbia, 1999)
Legion / Leviathan (Side Effects, 1996)
Legion of Green Men / Floating in Shallow Water (Swim, 1999)
Letum / Entrance to Salvation, The (Cold Meat, 2001)
Lights of Euphoria / Beyond Subconsciousness (Cleopatra, 1996)
Limp Bizkit / Significant Other (Interscope, 1999)
Lloop / Bulbbs (Agriculture, 2001)
Loreena McKennitt / Ancient Muse, An (Quinlan Road, 2006)
Loreena McKennitt / Book of Secrets, The (Quinlan Road, 1997)
Lull / Collected (Manifold, 2003)
Lull / Continue (Release, 1996)
Lull / Journey Through Underworlds (Rawkus, 1993)
Lull / Like a Slow River (Glacial Movements, 2008)
Lunar Drive / Here at Black Mesa Arizona (Nation, 1997)
Lustmord / Monstrous Soul, The (Soleilmoon, 2000)
Lustmord / Place Where the Black Stars Hang, The (Side Effects, 1994)

-=[ M ]=-
M87 / Noctilucent Threnody (Supernal, 1999)
Maaaa / Decay and Demoralization (Mind Flare, 2010)
Machinefabriek / Daas (Cold Spring, 2010)
Maculatum / Nameless City, The (Malignant, 2012)
Maeror Tri / Language of Flames and Sound (Old Europa Cafe, 1996)
Mark Snow / Truth and the Light, The (Warner, 1996)
Mark Snow / X-Files, The (Elektra, 1998)
Maruta Kommand / Holocaust Rites (Kokampf, 2000)
Massive Attack / 100th Window (Virgin, 2003)
Massive Attack / Blue Lines (Virgin, 1995)
Massive Attack / Danny the Dog (Virgin, 2004)
Massive Attack / Heligoland (Virgin, 2010)
Massive Attack / Mezzanine (Virgin, 1998)
Massive Attack / Protection (Wild Bunch, 1994)
Material / Hallucination Engine (Axiom, 1994)
Mathias Grassow / Dissolution (Aurora, 1999)
Mauri / Breathless (Kubernoise, 2003)
Meat Beat Manifesto / Actual Sounds & Voices (Nothing, 1998)
Meat Beat Manifesto / Armed Audio Warfare (Run, 2003)
Meat Beat Manifesto / Free Piece Suite (Run, 2002)
Meat Beat Manifesto / RUOK (Run, 2002)
Meat Beat Manifesto / Satyricon (Mute, 1992)
Meat Beat Manifesto / Subliminal Sandwich (Interscope, 1996)
Mediaeval Baebes / Salva Nos (Virgin, 1997)
Megaptera / Electronic Underground (Slaughter, 2000)
Melek-Tha / Astrum Argentinum (Adipocere, 1996)
Melek-Tha / De Magia Naturali Daemoniaca (Cold Spring, 1999)
Melek-Tha / Dehumanizer (Membrum Debile Propaganda, 2000)
Mental Destruction / Straw (Cold Meat, 1996)
Mercantan / IX (Drag & Drop, 1995)
Merzbow / Akasha Gulva (Alien8, 1996)
Miasto Nie Spalo / Piesni Zalobne I - VII (Obuh, 2000)
Michael Andrews / Donnie Darko (Enjoy, 2001)
Michael Nyman / Ravenous (Virgin, 1999)
Michael Stearns / Light in the Trees, The (Amplexus, 1996)
Mike Oldfield / Songs of Distant Earth, The (Warner, 1994)
Mike Oldfield / Tubular Bells (Virgin, 1983)
Mike Oldfield / Tubular Bells 2 (WEA, 1992)
Mike Oldfield / Tubular Bells 3 (WEA, 1998)
Miles Davis / In a Silent Way (Columbia, 2002)
Miles Davis / Kind of Blue (Columbia, 1997)
Miles Davis / Sketches of Spain (Columbia, 1997)
Mindspawn / Null Infinite (Inner Gravity, 2001)
Ministry / Filth Pig (Warner, 1996)
Ministry / Houses of the Mole (Sanctuary, 2004)
Ministry / Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste, The (Sire, 1989)
Ministry / Psalm 69 (Sire, 1992)
Ministry / Twitch (Sire, 1986)
MJ Harris / Murder Ballads: Drift (Musica Maxima Magnetica, 1994)
MJ Harris / Murder Ballads: Incest Songs (Musica Maxima Magnetica, 1998)
MJ Harris / Murder Ballads: Passages (Musica Maxima Magnetica, 1997)
Mnem / For Delta Relics (Kaos Kontrol, 2003)
Moby / Play (V2, 2000)
Moby / Songs 1993-1998 (Elektra, 2000)
Mocean Worker / Enter the Mowo (Mowo, Hyena)
Mocean Worker / Mixed Emotional Features (Palm Pictures, 1999)
Moljebka Pulse / Sadalsuud (Some Place Else, 2007)
Moljebka Pulse / Tamon (Segerhuva, 2004)
Moonspell / Butterfly Effect, The (Century Media, 1999)
Moonspell / Wolfheart (Century Media, 1995)
Morcheeba / Antidote, The (Echo, 2005)
Morcheeba / Beats & B-Sides (China, 1998)
Morcheeba / Big Calm (Indochina, 1998)
Morcheeba / Blood Like Lemonade (Play It Again Sam, 2010)
Morcheeba / Fragments of Freedom (China, 2000)
Morcheeba / Who Can You Trust (China, 1996)
Mouse on Mars / Autoditacker (Too Pure, 1997)
Mouse on Mars / Iaora Tahiti (Too Pure, 1998)
Mouse on Mars / Idiology (Thrill Jockey, 2001)
Mouse on Mars / Radical Connector (Thrill Jockey, 2004)
Mouse on Mars / Vulvaland (Too Pure, 1994)
Murder of Angels, A / While You Sleep (Middle Pillar, 1999)
Murderous Vision / Times Without Gods, The (Live Bait, 2002)
Murk / Murk (Tommy Boy, 2003)
Mux / Second Confession, The (RAIG, 2004)
My Dying Bride / Angel and the Dark River, The (Fierce, 1996)
My Dying Bride / As the Flower Withers (Fierce, 1994)
My Dying Bride / Light at the End of the World, The (Peaceville, 1999)
My Dying Bride / Like Gods of the Sun (Peaceville, 1996)
My Dying Bride / Meisterwerk 1 (Peaceville, 2000)
My Dying Bride / Meisterwerk 2 (Peaceville, 2001)
My Dying Bride / Turn Loose the Swans (Futurist, 1994)
My Dying Bride / Voice of the Wretched, The (Peaceville, 2002)
Mychael Danna / Exotica (Varese Sarabande, 1994)
MZ.412 / Burning the Temple of God (Cold Meat, 1996)
MZ.412 / Domine Rex Inferum (Cold Meat, 2001)

-=[ N ]=-
Narbenerde / BPD (Art Konkret, 2001)
NDE / Kampfbereit (Cold Spring, 2012)
NDE / Krieg Blut Ehre Asche (Cold Spring, 2009)
Nefilim / Zoon (Beggars Banquet, 1996)
Neither Nor / New Confusion, The (Sin Organisation, 2001)
Neko Case / Furnace Room Lullaby (Mint, 2000)
Neko Case / Tigers Have Spoken, The (Mint, 2004)
Neon Rain / Dirtier than the Dirt (Steelwork Maschine, 2003)
Never Known / On the Edge of Forever (Eibon, 2000)
Never Known / Twilight's Last Gleaming (Eibon, 1997)
Nightmares on Wax / Carboot Soul (Warp, 1999)
Nightmares on Wax / Mind Elevation (Warp, 2002)
Nightmares on Wax / Smokers Delight (Wax Trax!, 1996)
Nightwish / Highest Hopes (Spinefarm, 2005)
Nightwish / Oceanborn (Drakkar, 1999)
Nimoy / Ancient Melodies (God Factory, 1998)
Nine Inch Nails / Broken (Interscope, 1992)
Nine Inch Nails / Downward Spiral, The (Interscope, 1994)
Nine Inch Nails / With Teeth (Interscope, 2005)
No Doubt / Singles 1992-2003, The (Interscope, 2003)
No Festival of Light / Enter to the Realm of Satan (Releasing Eskimo, 1998)
No Festival of Light / If God Lived on Earth (Fluttering Dragon, 2001)
No Festival of Light / Officina Gentium Vagina Nationum (Functional, 2000)
Nono Orchestra / Angels Breakin' (Aurora, 1999)
Northaunt / Ominous Silence, The (Fluttering Dragon, 2001)
NOS / Not Otherwise Specified (Economy, 2001)
Nostalgia / Arcana Publicata Vilescunt (Release, 2002)
Nothing / Grey Subaudible, The (Eibon, 2000)
Nova / Utopica Musa (Cruel Moon, 2001)
Novatron / New Rising Sun (Cold Spring, 2000)
Numb / Blood Meridian (Metropolis, 1997)
Numb / Christmeister/Bliss (Metropolis, 1996)
Numb / Death on the Installment Plan (Reconstriction, 1993)
Numb / Language of Silence (Metropolis, 1998)
Numb / Numb (Metropolis, 1997)
Numb / Suspended (Metropolis, 1998)
Numb / Wasted Sky (Metropolis, 1995)

-=[ O ]=-
Obliveon / Carnivore Mothermouth (Hypnotic, 1999)
Obliveon / Cybervoid (ASA, 1995)
Olhon / Veiovis (Nautilus, 2002)
Oophoi / Aerial View, An (Glacial Movements, 2008)
Opera IX / Black Opera, The (Avantgarde, 2000)
Opeth / Blackwater Park (Koch, 2001)
Opeth / Damnation (Koch, 2003)
Opeth / Deliverance (Koch, 2002)
Opeth / Ghost Reveries (Roadrunner, 2005)
Opeth / Morningrise (Candlelight, 2003)
Opeth / Still Life (Peaceville, 1999)
Opeth / Watershed (Roadrunner, 2008)
Orb, The / Bicycles & Tricycles (Sanctuary, 2004)
Orb, The / Cydonia (Island, 2001)
Orb, The / Dream, The (Six Degrees, 2008)
Orb, The / Okie Dokie it's The Orb on Kompakt (Kompakt, 2005)
Orb, The / Orblivion (Island, 1997)
Orb, The / Orbus Terrarum (Island, 1995)
Orb, The / Pomme Fritz (Island Red, 1994)
Orb, The / UF Off (Island, 1998)
Orb, The / UF Orb (Island, 1992)
Orbital / Altogether, The (FFRR, 2001)
Orbital / Blue Album (ATO, 2004)
Orbital / Middle of Nowhere, The (FFRR, 1999)
Orbital / Orbital 2 (Internal, 1993)
Orbital / Snivilisation (FFRR, 1994)
Orphx / Living Tissue, The (Hands, 2001)
Orplid / Geheiligt Fei Der Toten Name (Eis Und Licht, 1999)
Ostara / Secret Homeland (Osterraed, 2000)

-=[ P ]=-
Paralytic / Shining Captives Held from the Sun (Pyrrhic Victory, 2001)
Parca Pace / Parca Pace (Structure, 1999)
Paul Haslinger / World Without Rules (RGB, 1996)
Paul Oakenfold / Another World (London-Sire, 2000)
Paul Oakenfold / Bunkka (Maverick, 2002)
Paul Oakenfold / Tranceport (Kinetic, 1998)
Paul Schwartz / Aria 1 (Koch, 2004)
Paul Schwartz / Aria 2 (Koch, 2004)
Paul Schwartz / Aria 3 (Cafe del Mar, 2004)
Paul van Dyk / 45 RPM (Mute, 1998)
Paul van Dyk / Out There and Back (Mute, 2000)
Penitent / Roses by Chaos Spawned (Memento Mori, 1999)
PHD2 / Resource (Dark Vinyl, 2002)
Photek / Form & Function (Astralwerks, 1998)
Photek / Modus Operandi (Virgin, 1997)
Photek / Risc vs Reward (Astralwerks, 1997)
Photek / Solaris (Astralwerks, 2000)
Phycus / Sonderkommando Now (Musicus Phycus, 1996)
Pilgrimage / 9 Songs of Ecstasy (Point, 1997)
Pink Floyd / Dark Side of the Moon, The (Capitol, 1993)
Pink Floyd / Division Bell, The (Columbia, 1994)
Plaid / Not For Threes (Nothing, 1998)
Plaid / Trainer (Warp, 2000)
POD / Fundamental Elements of Southtown, The (Atlantic, 1999)
Pop Will Eat Itself / Dos Dedos Mis Amigo (Interscope, 1994)
Portishead / Dummy (Go!, 1994)
Portishead / Portishead (Go!, 1997)
Portishead / Third (Mercury, 2008)
Predominance / Hindenburg (Loki, 2003)
Predominance / Nocturnal Gates of Incidence (Loki, 2000)
Prodigy / Fat of the Land, The (XL, 1997)
Prodigy / Music for the Jilted Generation (XL, 1994)
Profane Grace / Cast in the Mold of the Ancients (Memento Mori, 2003)
Profane Grace / Epitaph of Shattered Dreams (Memento Mori, 1999)
Profane Grace / Serenity of the Endless Graves (Memento Mori, 1998)
Profanum / Profanum Aeternum: Eminence of Satanic Imperial Art (Pagan, 1998)
Project Pitchfork / Eon:Eon (Metropolis, 1998)
Project the Three / Antimother (Nextera, 2003)
Prong / Cleansing (Epic, 1994)
Prong / Rude Awakening (Epic, 1996)
Prong / Scorpio Rising (Locomotive, 2003)
Proscriptor / Serpentine Has Risen, The (Dragon Flight, 2002)
Proscriptor / Venus Bellona, The (Cruel Moon International, 1998)
Psychophysicist / Psychophysicists (Side Effects, 1996)
Puissance / Back in Control (Cold Meat, 1998)
Puissance / Grace of God (Equilibrium, 2007)
Puissance / Let Us Lead (Equilibrium, 2005)
Puissance / Mother of Disease (Fluttering Dragon, 1999)
Puissance / State Collapse (Regain, 2004)
Puissance / Total Cleansing (Regain, 2000)
Push / From Beyond (Beat Buzz, 2000)

-=[ R ]=-
RAAN / Nacrasti, The (Malignant, 2002)
Radiohead / OK Computer (EMI, 1997)
Raison D'Etre / Apres Nous Le Deluge (Eternal Pride, 2012)
Raison D'Etre / Collective Archives (Cold Meat, 1999)
Raison D'Etre / Empty Hollow Unfolds, The (Cold Meat, 2000)
Raison D'Etre / Enthraled by the Wind of Lonelienes (Cold Meat, 1994)
Raison D'Etre / In Sadness, Silence and Solitude (Cold Meat, 1997)
Raison D'Etre / Lost Fragments (Cold Meat, 2002)
Raison D'Etre / Prospectus I (Cold Meat, 1993)
Raison D'Etre / Requiem for Abandoned Souls (Cold Meat, 2003)
Raison D'Etre / Within the Depths of Silence and Phormations (Cold Meat, 1995)
Rajna / Ishati (Projekt, 2001)
Rammstein / Herzeleid (Motor Music, 1996)
Rammstein / Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da (Universal, 2009)
Rammstein / Mutter (Motor Music, 2001)
Rammstein / Reise, Reise (Universal, 2004)
Rammstein / Rosenrot (Universal, 2005)
Rammstein / Sehnsucht (Motor Music, 1997)
Remanence / Apparitions (Cold Spring, 1999)
Robert Miles / Dreamland (Deconstruction, 1996)
Robert Rich / Bestiary (Release, 2001)
Runes Order / Black Odal Symphony (Sadisque, 2000)

-=[ S ]=-
Samael / Above (Nuclear Blast, 2009)
Samael / Passage (Century Media, 1996)
Sanctum / Lupus in Fabula (Cold Meat, 1996)
Sasha / Global Underground 013: Ibiza (Global Underground, 1999)
Sator Absentia / Fluid Artefacts (Dark Vinyl, 2001)
Sator Absentia / Mercurian Orgasms (Dark Vinyl, 1999)
Satori / Live at the Cave (Steinklang, 2010)
Schloss Tegal / Black Static Transmission (Cold Spring, 1999)
Schloss Tegal / Grand Guignol, The (Tegal, 1993)
Schloss Tegal / Myth of Meat, The (Waystyx, 2006)
Schloss Tegal / Neoterrik Research (Cold Spring, 2004)
Schloss Tegal / Oranur III - The Third Report (Tegal, 1995)
Schloss Tegal / Psychometry (La Esencia, 2019)
Schloss Tegal / Soul Extinguished, The (Tegal, 1997)
Scorn / Anamnesis (Invisible, 1999)
Scorn / Colossus (Earache, 1994)
Scorn / Deliverance (Earache, 1997)
Scorn / Ellipsis (Earache, 1995)
Scorn / Evanescence (Earache, 1994)
Scorn / Gyral (Earache, 1995)
Scorn / List of Takers (Vivo, 2004)
Scorn / Logghi Barogghi (Earache, 1996)
Scorn / Vae Solis (Earache, 1996)
Scorn / Whine (Invisible, 1992)
Scorn / White Irises Blind (Earache, 1997)
Scorn / Zander (Invisible, 1997)
Screening / Low End (Maor Appelbaum, 2004)
Scum / Purple Dreams & Magic Poems (Black Mark, 1995)
Seelenblut / Angel's Suicide (CAPP, 2000)
Seelenlicht / Gods and Devils (Cold Spring, 2008)
Sektor 304 / Soul Cleansing (Malignant, 2009)
Sephiroth / Cathedron (Cold Meat, 1999)
SETI / Baikal (Power & Steel, 2011)
SETI / Knowledge (Ash, 1994)
Shinjuku Thief / Medea (Dorobo, 2003)
Shinjuku Thief / Scribbler, The (Dorobo, 1992)
Shinjuku Thief / Witch Hammer, The (Dorobo, 1993)
Shinjuku Thief / Witch Haven, The (Dorobo, 2002)
Shinjuku Thief / Witch Hunter, The (Dorobo, 1995)
Shiva in Exile / Ethnic (Trostlos, 2003)
Shrine / Somnia (Cyclic Law, 2012)
Sielwolf / Nachtstrom (Van Richter, 1997)
Skincage / Axon (Malignant, 2000)
Sleep Chamber / Secrets of 23 (Musica Maxima Magnetica, 1993)
Sleep Research Facility / Dead Weather Machine (Manifold, 2004)
Sleep Research Facility / Dead Weather Machine - Re-Heat (Manifold, 2005)
Sleep Research Facility / Deep Frieze (Cold Spring, 2007)
Sleep Research Facility / Nostromo (Cold Spring, 2001)
Sleep Research Facility / Stealth (Cold Spring, 2012)
Slepaya Elan / Neizbezhnost (Nihil Art, 2010)
Sola Translatio / Ad Infinitum (Hic Sunt Leones, 1999)
Sola Translatio / Mother Sunrise (Hypnos, 2001)
Solaris / Mho (Nefryt, 2000)
Soldnergeist / Global Media Control (Art Konkret, 1996)
Soldnergeist / Terror (RRR, 2000)
Son-Dha / Red Sector A Speeds Up Alio Die (Relapse, 2001)
Soulstice / Illusion (Om, 2001)
Spineshank / Height of Callousness, The (Roadrunner, 2000)
Spineshank / Self-Destructive Pattern (Roadrunner, 2003)
Spirit Nation / Spirit Nation (V2, 1998)
Stars of the Lid / Ballasted Orchestra, The (Kranky, 1997)
Stars of the Lid / Per Aspera Ad Astra (Kranky, 1998)
Static-X / Machine (Warner, 2001)
Static-X / Shadow Zone (Warner, 2003)
Static-X / Start a War (Warner, 2005)
Static-X / Wisconsin Death Trip (Warner, 1999)
Stone Glass Steel / Dismembering Artists (Malignant, 1999)
Streicher / War Without End (Cold Spring, 2002)
Subarachnoid Space / Delicate Membrane (Charnel, 1996)
Subterranean Source / Relic (Desolation House, 2008)
Subterranean Source / Vivid Circles (Desolation House, 2002)
Sunao Inami / Delayed (Electr-Ohm, 2004)
Sunao Inami / Impulse of Acoustic, An (Electr-Ohm, 2005)
Sunao Inami / Repeater (Electr-Ohm, 2001)
Suspended Memories / Forgotten Gods (Hearts of Space, 1993)
Susperia / Predominance (Nuclear Blast, 2001)
Svartsinn / Devouring Consciousness (Eibon, 2002)
Svartsinn / Of Darkness and Re-Creation (Ewers Tonkunst, 2010)
Swartalf / Candles Burning Blue (Memento Mori, 1996)
Swartalf / Golden Section, The (Memento Mori, 2000)
Synaesthesia / Desideratum (Hypnotic, 1995)
Synaesthesia / Embody (Cleopatra, 1995)
Synaesthesia / Ephemeral (Hypnotic, 1997)
Syndromeda / Alien Abduction Phenomenon, The (Neu Harmony, 2001)

-=[ T ]=-
TAC / Apotropaismo (Old Europa Cafe, 1997)
TAC / Twilight Rituals (Small Voices, 2003)
TAC / Waiting for the Twilight (Small Voices, 2002)
Tangerine Dream / Thief (Virgin, 1981)
Taylor / United DJs of America 10 (DMC, 1998)
Tear Garden, The / Crystal Mass (Nettwerk, 2000)
Tear Garden, The / Tired Eyes Slowly Burning (Nettwerk, 1987)
Tear Garden, The / To be an Angel Blind (Nettwerk, 1996)
Terra Ambient / Darker Space, The (Space for Music, 2002)
Terra Sancta / Aeon (Malignant, 2004)
Terra Sancta / Disintegration (Malignant, 2008)
Tertium Non Data / Hers is Blood (Crowd Control Activities, 2001)
Tertium Non Data / Third is not Given, The (Crowd Control Activities, 1999)
Test Dept / Materia Prima (Invisible, 1997)
Test Dept / Pax Britannica (Ministry of Power, 1991)
Test Dept / Proven in Action (Invisible, 1997)
Test Dept / Totality 1 & 2 (Invisible, 1997)
Thelonious Monk / Monk's Dream (Sony, 2002)
Therion / Secret of the Runes (Nuclear Blast, 2001)
Tho-So-Aa / Absorb (Art Konkret, 2001)
Tho-So-Aa / Enrielle (Art Konkret, 2002)
Tho-So-Aa / Epoch Pt 1 (Art Konkret, 1995)
Tho-So-Aa / Identify (Tesco, 2010)
Tho-So-Aa / Index 1.0 Coma (Art Konkret, 1999)
Tiamat / Amanethes (Nuclear Blast, 2008)
Tiamat / Deeper Kind of Slumber, A (Century Media, 1997)
Tiamat / Prey (Century Media, 2003)
Tiamat / Wildhoney (Century Media, 1994)
Tool / Aenima (Volcano, 1996)
Total Harmonic Distortion / Outside In (Cleopatra, 1995)
Tosca / Dehli9 (Studio K7, 2003)
Tosca / Different Tastes of Honey (G-Stone, 2002)
Tosca / Opera (Studio K7, 1998)
Tosca / Suzuki (Studio K7, 2000)
Transcendence / Eternal Stream (Gaia, 1996)
Tribes of Neurot / Silver Blood Transmission (Relapse, 2006)
Tribes of Neurot / Static Migration (Release, 1998)
Tricky / Maxinquaye (4th & Broadway, 1995)
Troum & Yen Pox / Mnemonic Induction (Malignant, 2002)
Turbund Sturmwerk / Sturmgeweiht (Rabauken, 2002)
Turbund Sturmwerk / Turbund Sturmwerk (Cold Spring, 1996)
Turbund Sturmwerk / Weltbrand (Loki, 1999)
Type O Negative / Bloody Kisses (Roadrunner, 1993)
Type O Negative / Life is Killing Me (Roadrunner, 2003)
Type O Negative / October Rust (Roadrunner, 1996)
Type O Negative / World Coming Down (Roadrunner, 1999)

-=[ U ]=-
Ulf Soderberg / Vindarnas Hus (Slow Moon, 2003)
Ultra United / Ultra Audience (State Art, 2002)
Ultraviolence / Life of Destructor (Earache, 1994)
Ultraviolence / Superpower (Earache, 2001)
Underworld / Beaucoup Fish (Junior Boy's Own, 1999)
Underworld / Dubnobasswithmyheadman (Wax Trax!, 1994)

-=[ V ]=-
Valefor / Graves of Andras (Memento Mori, 2001)
Vanargandr / Ok Vigs Fotum Ver Skiptum (Black Axis, 2002)
Vangelis / 1492 (Warner, 1992)
Vangelis / Blade Runner (EastWest, 1994)
Vangelis / Themes (Polygram, 1989)
VAST / Visual Audio Sensory Theater (Elektra, 1998)
Veil of Secrecy / Veil of Secrecy (Triumvirate, 2001)
Veiled Allusions / Rosenkranz (Dragon Flight, 2002)
Velvet Acid Christ / Between the Eyes 1 (Metropolis, 2004)
Velvet Acid Christ / Between the Eyes 2 (Metropolis, 2004)
Velvet Acid Christ / Between the Eyes 3 (Metropolis, 2004)
Velvet Acid Christ / Between the Eyes 4 (Metropolis, 2004)
Velvet Acid Christ / Calling of the Dead (Pendragon, 1998)
Velvet Acid Christ / Church of Acid (Pendragon, 1997)
Velvet Acid Christ / Fun With Knives (Dependent, 1999)
Velvet Acid Christ / Lust for Blood (Metropolis, 2006)
Velvet Acid Christ / Neuralblastoma (Metropolis, 1998)
Velvet Acid Christ / Pretty Toy (Metropolis, 2003)
Velvet Acid Christ / Twisted Thought Generator (Metropolis, 2000)
Vidna Obmana & Alio Die / Echo Passage (Musica Maxima Magnetica, 2000)
Vidna Obmana / Legacy (Release, 2004)
Vidna Obmana / River of Appearance, The (Projekt, 1996)
Vidna Obmana / Spore (Release, 2003)
Vidna Obmana / Tremor (Release, 2001)
Vishuddha Kali / Prem Genocide (Fight Muzik, 2002)
Visions / Lapse (Cyclic Law, 2005)
VNV Nation / Futureperfect (Metropolis, 2002)
Voidwork / Basement (Rage in Eden, 2011)
Vresnit / Seed Solar (Vetvei, 2010)
Vresnit / Zhatva (Vetvei, 2011)
Vromb / Emission Pilote (Ant Zen, 2000)
Vromb / Paradigma (Fario, 2004)
Vulcan / Vulcan's Fury (Dying Art, 2005)

-=[ W ]=-
Wake, The / Nine Ways (Cleopatra, 1996)
Waldchengarten / Electrical Bonding (Desolation House, 2005)
Waldeck / Balance of the Force (E-Magine, 1999)
Waldeck / Night Garden, The (E-Magine, 2001)
Way Out West / Intensify (Nettwerk, 2001)
Wejdas / Wejdas (Red Stream, 2000)
Where / Creatures of the Wind, The (Eibon, 1999)
Where / Wererat (Eibon, 2006)
Wintersilence / Transmission Fields (Weird Amplexus, 2004)
Wumpscut / Eevil Young Flesh (Metropolis, 1999)
Wumpscut / Embryodead (Metropolis, 1997)
Wumpscut / Evoke (Metropolis, 2005)
Wumpscut / Wreath of Barbs (Metropolis, 2001)

-=[ X ]=-
Xorcist / Damned Souls (21st Circuitry, 1991)
Xorcist / Insects & Angels (Metropolis, 2000)
Xorcist / Nomad (Pendragon, 1999)

-=[ Y ]=-
Yen Pox / New Dark Age (Malignant, 2000)

-=[ Z ]=-
Z'Ev / Sum Things (Cold Spring, 2009)
Za Frumi / Tach (Waerloga, 2001)
Zaraza / Slavic Blasphemy (Musicus Phycus, 1997)
Zero One / Prototype 2 (Waveform, 2000)
Zoar / In the Bloodlit Dark (Middle Pillar, 2001)
Zoat Aon / Star Autopsy (Aural Hypnox, 2005)

-=[ Soundtracks ]=-
Blade / Various (TVT, 1998)
Blade 2 / Various (Immortal, 2002)
City of Industry / Various (Quango, 1997)
Craft, The / Various (Columbia, 1996)
End of Days / Various (Geffen, 1999)
Escape from LA / Various (Lava, 1996)
Escape to Trancyberia / Various (Studio K7, 1995)
Heat / Various (Warner, 1995)
Matrix, The / Various (Maverick, 1999)
Mortal Kombat / Various (TVT, 1995)
Pulp Fiction / Various (MCA, 1994)
Reservoir Dogs / Various (MCA, 1992)
Resident Evil / Various (Roadrunner, 2002)
Snatch / Various (TVT, 2000)
Trainspotting / Various (EMI, 1996)

-=[ Various ]=-
Abstract Phaze (Matsuri, 1996)
Alien Ambient Galaxy (Hypnotic, 1996)
Ambient 4: Isolationism (Virgin, 1994)
Ambient Systems: Interior Horizons (Instinct, 2000)
Ambient Way to Dub, The (Hypnotic, 1996)
Apollo 2: The Divine Compilation (Apollo, 1995)
Assault & Battery (System, 2005)
Atmospheric Drum & Bass (Millennium, 1996)
Audio Alchemy (Ubiquity, 1997)
Audio Alchemy 2 (Ubiquity, 1997)
Bare Essentials 1 (Naked, 2001)
Bare Essentials 2 (Naked, 2003)
Cafe del Sol 1 (Water, 2000)
Celtic Heartbeat Collection 2, The (Celtic Heartbeat, 1996)
Chamber (Cold Spring, 2002)
Chill Out or Die IV (Rising High, 1995)
Chillout 04 (Nettwerk, 2003)
Chillout Album, The (Telstar, 1999)
Classic Chill Out Rhythms (Dossier, 1996)
Cryogenic Studio 2 (Cleopatra, 2000)
Cryogenic Studios (Cleopatra, 1998)
Dissolution Fahrenheit (Eibon, 1997)
Document 01 (Full Contact, 1996)
Eclipse: A Journey of Permanence & Impermanence (Twisted, 1998)
Electropolis 1 (Metropolis, 1998)
Electropolis 2 (Metropolis, 2000)
Exclusive Naked Music Mix (Naked, 2002)
Excursions in Ambience 4 (Astralwerks, 1995)
Freezone 1: The Phenomenology of Ambient (SSR, 1994)
Fuckin' Hardfloor 1 & 2 (Atomic, 1995)
FunKungFusion (Ninja Tune, 1998)
Future: A Journey Through the Electronic Underground (Virgin, 1997)
Gothic Sanctuary (Attic, 2000)
In a Trance State (Hypnotic, 1996)
Industrial War (Shanachie, 1997)
Influence 1.1 (Cleopatra, 1994)
Kosmic Archives 3 (KFMF, 1999)
Modulation & Transformation (Mille Plateaux, 1994)
Mute Bank (Mute, 1995)
New Industries (Dynamica, 1995)
Ninja Tune: The Shadow Years (Shadow, 2001)
Northern Exposure (Ultra, 1997)
Northern Exposure 2 (Ultra, 1998)
Northern Exposure: Expeditions (Ultra, 1999)
Opportunity 1 (Scope, 1998)
Paradigm Shift (Nettwerk, 1997)
Psychotrance 2 (Moonshine, 1995)
Remix Wars: Strike 1, The (21st Circuitry, 1996)
Remix Wars: Strike 2, The (Off Beat, 1996)
Remix Wars: Strike 3, The (21st Circuitry, 1996)
Remix Wars: Strike 4, The (Metropolis, 1999)
Sheen (KK, 1995)
Strictly Drum & Bass 2 (Beechwood, 2000)
Subout (Metropolis, 2000)
Suck, Taste, Spit (Dynamica, 1996)
Theme: Desire (Beautiful, 1997)
Throne of Drones, The (Sombient, 1995)
Trance 4 (Rumour, 1993)
Trancemaster 11 (Vision Soundcarriers, 1995)
Trip to the Andes (Tumi, 1996)
Ultra Chilled 01 (Ultra, 2001)
Ultra Chilled 02 (Ultra, 2002)
Ultra Chilled 03 (Ultra, 2002)
Ultra Chilled 04 (Ultra, 2003)
Ultra Chilled 05 (Ultra, 2005)
Wild Planet (Nettwerk, 2000)
X-Trance: The Best of Dream 2 (ZYX, 1996)
Xen Cuts (Ninja Tune, 2000)
[ Total: 1044 ] 
